99 Remote Jobs

A jobs board focussed on remote jobs

2020 Jun - 2025 Jan

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Archived as of 2024 => It wan’t trivial to get a good following. Chicken and egg problem.

A job board focused on listings offering work from home. The idea is to be a go-to spot on the Internet when people are looking for remote jobs. In the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, it became clear that both the demand and offering of remote work is growing extremely fast and will only keep expanding.

I started this project with the clear vision that it is very difficult to promote a job board in this niche. However, it is a very low maintenance project and I can use it as a side revenue of SaaSHub & LibHunt by promoting job offers there.

Experience, Technologies, Skills

  • Ansible
  • DevOps
  • Ruby on Rails
  • PostgreSQL
  • Nginx


99 Remote Jobs screenshot